Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Drake and Colette #3

Drake's friends were holding him back away from the edge of the balcony. "Colette! Colette!" he screamed.
"Dude, Chill man! What are you talking about?" Jason said.
Drake's frantic screaming drew the attention of the entire party. "Can't you see her? She's right down there. She's trying to kill herself." Making sense of the fact that he could literally see her eyes, sad and staring up at them; he could see the lighter in her hand even though the beach she stood on at the bottom of the cliff was at least a half mile from the balcony. He started screaming again, "Colette, please don't! I didn't mean it."
Tears streaked her cheeks as she held the lighter high, "I love you Drake. I love you always." She dropped the flame and ignited herself.
Drake's hysteria grew breaking free of the hands holding him. He scrambled punching and swinging to get through the limbs and bodies blocking him.
A few screams issued from the tangle of people. "Drake, What is wrong with you? I don't see anything." Jason's voice didn't even through his panic. He had to stop her. All the voices merging into a dull roar fading into the fringes of a tunnel vision led only to Colette. He finally reached the railing, shaking of hands while climbing and pushing off a hard as he could for the dive to the rocky water below.
A stab of pain struck his heart before he struck the water. Colette's body crumpled to the ground still covered in flames. He welcomed the icy water piercing his skin like hundreds of shards of glass. By the time he surfacing she wasn't even screaming anymore, his lungs burned for air only spurring him to swim harder. He tried to scream for Colette, helpless to lack of oxygen trying to reach her. Drake's horse voice croaked, running from the ocean to throw his wet body on top of hers and smother the flames.
He could see her mouth working but no sound came out. "I love you Colette. Please don't die. I'm so sorry."
Colette's burnt and half melted eyelids struggled to blink. She lifted her hand to touch Drake's face; blacked skin slid from her arm underneath his hand.
"Don't let go Colette," he moaned, "you were always too good for me. Don't go."
He held her head in his lap sobbing as the light in her eyes faded, her face wet with his tears.
By the time the police and ambulance arrived, nothing was left in the brittle shell of Colette's body and Drake's heart. People in uniforms were surrounding him and talking to him. Drake couldn't understand what they were saying; he only knew they were trying to take her away from him. "NO! No! I won't let you die." He clutched her body too tightly, screaming over and over, "Colette, Colette, you are not dying," commanding her back from the dead.
Hand pulled at his body and hands to free Colette from his crazed grasp. "Let me go," he yelled, "I have to save her." Suddenly, he couldn't see her; she disappeared, "Where is she? Where is she? Colette! Colette!"
A shroud seemed to drop over his eyes; he couldn't move. What's happening to me? Then his mind sank into a darkness he hoped would consume him completely.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Drake and Colette #2

Brittany flicked her bottle blonde hair as she delivered her best self righteous glare to the entire room.
Drake could care less what any of those shallow, meaningless girls thought of him. Attacking Colette, on the other hand, pushed his buttons. He ran his hand through his hair as he stumbled along the hallway, thoughts of Colette already filling his mind.
If I could just forget he thought pushing into the kitchen searching for that double shot of escape. He snagged the first bottle he could, savoring that burn that made him forget for a little while. He’d betrayed her; he didn’t deserve her. I hope she’s ok.
Jason, his best friend and worst influence wandered into the kitchen with that wide smile and glazed eyes he sported almost as often as his football jersey. “Dude, it’s a party. What’s with the long face?” Jason’s house, Jason’s party, Jason’s rules… for everyone, even at school. Jason’s dad made a lot of money that he loved to flaunt. Nothing but the best for a Carter, he often said.
Drake shrugged Jason’s hand off of his shoulder with disgust.
“Have another drink my friend,” he slurred, “Mi Casa, Su Casa.”
Drake rolled his eyes and left to find some fresh air on the balcony.
“Don’t go away mad Dude,” he yelled to loudly behind Drake, “I got your back.”
Drake shook his head; Jason could be a pompous, pain in the butt, jerk. Underneath all that he was ok if you dug down deep enough.
The crowded balcony provided little solace from the suffocation of people he’d hoped for. He pushed his way to the edge of the Cliffside balcony; to the fresh open air so he could breathe again. The distant sound of breaking waves soothed the tension in his head and shoulders.
He looked at the silver ribbon of road winding its way down from the large, Cliffside home. Tall evergreens cast sharp shadows across the road in the bright moonlight. He tossed the vodka left in his cup into the back of his throat. A headlight at the bottom of the road caught his eye.
He watched the car start up the twisted road making it’s way toward the party of the school year. Just as he was losing interest, the car turned off on the dirt trail to the tiny beach at the foot of the cliff. His heart skipped a beat; the car was Colette’s.
His eyes saw what others couldn’t see; she looked up at him. He knew she saw him, just like she knew he could see her. He’d blamed her; she had gotten him into this predicament. He told her, he never wanted to see her again. She tricked him into this foreign, monstrous existence. He didn’t mean it. He was so mortified when he realized what she had done to him.
She turned and pulled something out of the trunk of the car. She turned so it was behind her and he couldn’t see what it was until it was too late. Time seemed to freeze when she held the gas can above her head, gushing so quickly her shirt stained dark completely. A loud roar grew in his ears battling the screaming; screaming coming from him. “No! Colette No, No, No!”

Friday, May 7, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Looks Can Kill

If looks could kill
My man would truly fit the bill.
He’s drop dead handsome,
His moods erratic and random.

Every time he leaves me cowering
My vases would be flowering.
His sweet nothings mask his controlling
Making me wish the cops were patrolling.

His devotion, vows and gifts
Signal that he is evermore
Loving me to death.

Afraid to speak, afraid he’ll decide
Today’s the day for the judge to preside.
Justice to my man
Has rules I don’t understand.
As far as he’s concerned;
I wear his brand.

I am his property;
I cannot run, I cannot scream;
No matter where I flee;
He finds his punching bag;
My screams for his steam.

My soul fell in a hole
So deep I’m lost forever.
His threats a heavy toll,
In his everlasting control.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Drake and Colette

Drake wondered what Colette was doing? He couldn't even look in the mirror when he thought of what he'd said to her. Her eyes went flat; he felt like he had broken something inside of her. "It's just who I am? What does she want from me anyway?" he muttered aloud to himself ignoring the looks of classmates as he pushed through the crowd.
"Dude, this is a party." One of his football team mates slapped him on the back, "What's with the sour look." He shoved a shot of something into his hand, "Drink dude. It'll all good." A goofy grin plastered his face. He slapped Drake on the back, then promptly forgot he was there as a cute, little, brunette from the sophomore class slipped under his arm with the same overindulgent smile.
"So, hunky football man...." she started as Drake made his escape.
Drake threw the shot to the back of his throat anticipating the burn indicative of his forthcoming mental escape. He overheard a small group of girls with their backs to him.
"I told you he would come around sooner or later." The voice of Ashley Anne trilled with self-righteousness, "She not one of us and he is. That's all there is too it."
Brittany giggled, "He's so dreamy."
"Close your mouth Brittany," Ashley Anne said, "I don't know what he ever saw in her."
"Yeah," Mary chimed in never to willingly outdone by the pack,"she's a whore." Brown nosing had always been her in to the popular click,"not like you Ashley Anne."
"I think she's a money grubbing...."
"Shut up!" Drake shouted at them all loud enough for everyone withing six feet turned to check out the excitement. The whole room might have grown quiet if it were not for the loud music.
Ashley Ann's mouth fell open in shock that Drake would speak to her that way. "Who does he think he is?" she said to his already disappearing back.
"It's that Colette girl," Brittney said,"just wait until he's been away from her for a while. It'll all get better now that he's escaped her mind games.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

First Crush

First Crush

Fluttering heart wings

Waiting in the porch swing

Dreaming you were here again

Stars in my eyes

Dancing butterflies

It’s a first crush

Can’t escape a heart rush

Can’t explain my sweet hush

Won’t let go of Love’s flush

Won’t give up my first crush

Wishing my feet towards him

Just as the lights go dim

Jangled nervous energy

Scared he’ll see through me

Scare I’ll never be

His dream to see

His first crush

Hoping our hands will brush

Melting pieces when our eyes touch

Clinging forever to my

First Crush

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 1 April 13, 2010

Rhea stared at her gold skin, brilliant in just the right light. She lay in the suns rays soaking it's strength through her skin. Moments like this she loved this thing she'd become. The feeling of power and beauty enveloped her mind and body.
Here on a beach she fit in more than anywhere else. Her too golden skin attributed the eternal beach bunny title. Sun drenched, oiled, and tanned bodies littered the beach all around her. This was one place she could hide in a crowd and let her guard down, a little. Besides any one of a number of dangers, she could hear or smell for at least a quarter mile.
"Excuse me," a shadow fell across her face stealing her sunlight and her momentary escape, only to replace it with a racing heartbeat, butterflies in her stomach and anticipation of his touch.
"Can I help you?" a mock innocent expression gracing her face. She peered up into his dark silhouette, "My what a shadow you cast strong boy."
"Casting shadows is what I do," he turned, flexed and struck a few poses. "Did you know you are about the hottest thing on this beach?"
Rhea smiled just savoring the sweetness of him, the sweetness of his scent. Fresh cut oranges emanated from his every pore. She stretched longing to bring him closer to touch and consume that scent. As if reading her mind, he dropped to the ground beside her propping his head in hands behind his head. She sat up and leaned in for a hug, her face nuzzled into his neck. The strong orange scent filled her nostrils making her mouth water. Maybe just a little taste she told herself.
She bit her lip trying to maintain her self control. He smelled so delicious. I won't hurt him; just a sample is all I'll take. Part of her knew she was lying to herself; a taste would only make her want more. She lifted her head looking down at his sharp jaw below angular cheekbones. She avoided those gorgeous eyes begging her to kiss him. Every time he tried she turned away, ran away or conveniently busied herself pretending not to notice.
This is the part she hated most about herself as this thing she was now. Her love hate relationship with herself that ruled her relationship with everyone and everything. How could she be with him and not hurt him? It was only a matter of time.